About reviewer (430 reviews)
SkinDry, Fair, Cool
HairBlond, Wavy, Fine
Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant and its pure form of L-Ascorbic Acid has been shown to reverse multiple signs of skin ageing while brightening the skin when applied topically. This water-free, silicone-free formula provides 23% pure L-Ascorbic Acid which remains completely stable due to the absence of water. The system is supported with addition of dehydrated spheres of Hyaluronic Acid to offer visible surface smoothing alongside the benefits of Vitamin C. This treatment is ideally applied at bedtime. Topical Vitamin C offers a wide array of benefits to the skin. However, many forms of Vitamin C and many more formulations of Vitamin C are available commercially with a potential to confuse the audience. We have developed a guide that offers guidance on the formulations of Vitamin C offered under The Ordinary range. It also offers education on Vitamin C itself and on the differences between formulations of Vitamin C at large. Please click here for this guide. Note: The format of this formula is a suspension of very fine L-Ascorbic Acid powder and, as such, provides the most direct exposure of extremely high concentrations of Vitamin C topically. With such format, there are 2 important things to consider: 1) A very strong tingling but non-irritating sensation is expected during the first 1-2 weeks of use until the skin's tolerance to such high exposure is elevated. If the sensation is too strong to tolerate, the formula can be mixed on each application with other creams or serums of your preference. 2) The powder exposure to the skin disallows the formula to feel like a serum, lotion or cream and each application requires a few seconds to feel absorbed by the skin. This formula feels gritty for a few seconds after application. If you prefer to avoid this gritty feel, we suggest our Vitamin C Suspension 30% in Silicone. Alternative products on the market offer suspensions of Vitamin C in water-free formulations in heavier silicone bases to avoid the "powdery" feel of the suspension. These formulations do keep the Vitamin C stable but they are almost always offered in heavier silicone bases that interfere with efficient exposure of the entire Vitamin C content to the skin (the silicone entraps the Vitamin C). The formula avoids the use of silicones and offers complete and direct exposure of the entire powder content to the skin, maximizing topical delivery. If you prefer a lighter silicone base instead for a smoother skin feel, we suggest Vitamin C Suspension 30% in Silicone. Skin Concerns: Dullness, dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, hyperpigmentation, uneven tone and texture.
About reviewer (430 reviews)
SkinDry, Fair, Cool
HairBlond, Wavy, Fine
About reviewer (267 reviews)
SkinSensitive, Fair, Warm
HairBlond, Wavy, Fine
About reviewer (515 reviews)
Age56 & Over
SkinOther, Other
About reviewer (34 reviews)
SkinCombination, Fair-Medium
About reviewer (11 reviews)
SkinDry, Fair-Medium, Warm
HairBrown, Curly, Other