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Top Rated ZO Skin Health Products

Latest ZO Skin Health Reviews

Broad Spectrum Sunscreen
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a month ago

I purchased from my dermatologist ouch $75. I have used almost 3/4 of tube and will repurchase. Yes this is a glowy mess rather thick when first applied. I’m currently doing a bit of layering. I...

Broad Spectrum Sunscreen
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a month ago

I purchased from my dermatologist ouch $75. I have used almost 3/4 of tube and will repurchase. Yes this is a glowy mess rather thick when first applied. I’m currently doing a bit of layering. I...

Hydrating Crème
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8 months ago

I bought this cream at a medi-spa after having some skin tags removed via electro cautery. I got the spiel about ‘medical grade’ skincare (which is BS). My skin had been very dry so I thought I’d...

Hydrating Crème
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8 months ago

I bought this cream at a medi-spa after having some skin tags removed via electro cautery. I got the spiel about ‘medical grade’ skincare (which is BS). My skin had been very dry so I thought I’d...